“Memory Matters”
“Advancements in research across UCR offer new hope for Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of dementia’ in UCR magazine!
UCR undergraduate research symposium
Congratulations to Divitha Doddi, Rawan Gabr, Brynna Marich, Rachel Francis, and Johari Metobo for presenting their research projects at the 24 UCR undergraduate research symposium!
Congrats to Ahmed and Tammy
Tammy Dinh has been accepted into UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine! Ahmed Alghorydh has been accepted into the Ph.D. program in Neuroengineering at the University of Alabama at Birmingham! WAY TO GO!
The memory model ROC simulator and its application for teaching
Mack designed a Matlab App, ROC simulator, to visualize the various memory models (e.g., HT, UVSD, DPSD, and Slot) and their components. For instructions on how to use it or apply it to teaching, please visit our page for Teaching Computation with MATLAB Workshop
Welcome two first year PhD students
Sahere Varastegan and Inik Kim have officially joined our lab! Check out their research training and interests here